SUNDAY 20/11-2022

I am sitting in front of the fire working on my new webpage. As i am writing my webpage in english, i will also do this in english. Its far from ready, but then my life is also hopefully far from ready. With this website i would like to share my passions with you. My passions to live a balanced life with joy, yoga, meditation, healthy choices without being extreme (just human). One of my passions is also to inspire others. So with this website i share the things and choices that makes me happy. Hopefully you can maybe find something here that inspirers you to a life with glow. See the site as a good friend, a feelgood friend. In here i just write about my days, so the website also get some life. So!

Today we went for a long walk. 2 hours around our neighborhood. The weather is a bit chilly today, but it felt good to take a long walk. Yesterday we ate a lot of food and had wine so i started the day fasting, feels good. 

Before the walk i took some time in the bathroom to do some dry brushing and the Ayuvedic massage Abhyanga with lukewarm sesame oil ( see Skin & Bodycare ). I try to treat myself with some kind of "home spa"  on sundays, i dont always succeed, but today i did. 

After the walk we had some lunch, and now after some ours with writing homework for my writing course, and some of this work i will do some Yin yoga. I shall try not to eat the buns Roger baked, but we will see:) Over all a good sunday with some of the ingredients i need to feel good. I hope you have a great sunday too. And thank you for being a friend.